There are lots of reasons to come and see us. Exhibitions, events, workshops, activities and learning programmes are just some of them.

Te Manawa opens up its doors to people from all walks of life, just like you. Everyone brings their own experiences, points of view and stories with them. Those stories and experiences in turn become something we all share. That’s what we think makes Te Manawa special – opportunities to see and experience the world through new and ever-changing points of view.

So don’t be shy. Our general admission doesn’t cost a thing* – but if you have a good time, maybe you’d like to make a donation to support the work we do. Still don’t think Museums are ‘your thing?’… Come on in and let us surprise you!

Young man makes heart symbol with his hands on a clear background

Getting here

It’s ok to ask for directions! We’ve even got a map to help you find your way, plus helpful information on planning your visit from parking to refreshments and accessibility. Nau mai, haere mai!


We love having groups stop by. To help us make your visit run smoothly we’ve gathered together some useful tips we hope will help your planning – and remember, you can phone us free for info and advice!