As at 13 September 2022: Te Manawa remains committed to helping prevent the spread of illness such as cold, flu and Covid-19.

  • Because of the interactive nature of its exhibits, the Museum and Art Gallery provide sanitisers for all guests as an added protection against the transfer of viruses through touch and shared surfaces.
  • Masks are not required to enter Te Manawa, however the venue is mask-friendly. We welcome the use of protective face coverings to help reduce the spread of illness. Please respect our staff and other guests who choose to wear them.
  • Vaccine passes are not required to enter Te Manawa.
  • Contact Tracing is not required to enter Te Manawa.
  • There are no restrictions placed on visitor numbers for the purpose of Covid-19 public health and/or physical distancing. Any restrictions on gathering numbers revert to those in place for fire and other emergency evacutations only. For more information on our venue capacity limits, please ask our friendly hosts or see further details on the venue hire section of this website.
Child plays in exhibition playground

Tamariki - Kids' area

Tamariki is open with normal capacity limits.