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Image of an elderly man wearing a beanie, holding a large camera
Peter Bush raconteur, tramper, photojournalist, Hurricanes fan – obituary (The Post)...
Meet The Bushies
1 July 2024by Evan Greensides
Meet The Bushies
Securing a safe forever home for the extensive archive of images from one of New Zealand’s most prolific photojournalists, Peter Bush, was a big mission. However, this was only the...
Te Manawa Museum Champions Conservation with Peter Bush Silent Auction
3 May 2024by Te Manawa
Te Manawa Museum Champions Conservation with Peter Bush Silent Auction
Te Manawa and the New Zealand Rugby Museum became a hub of rugby nostalgia, hosting a silent auction of 12 prints from legendary photojournalist Peter Bush.
Te Manawa to preserve work of legendary Kiwi photographer
11 September 2023by Te Manawa
Te Manawa to preserve work of legendary Kiwi photographer
Photographer Peter Bush (second from right) at his Island Bay home with (from left): Te Manawa trustee Evan Greensides; Te Manawa Chief Executive Susanna Shadbolt; Rachel Bush, Peter’s daughter; New...

Banner image: Peter Bush, NZ vs British Isles, 3rd Test, Lancaster Park, Christchurch 1966, Collection of Te Manawa, Courtesy of the Bush Family, All rights reserved