School Visits

Book a visit to Te Manawa and give your ākonga a unique learning experience. Our educators will help you plan the perfect day and choose a learning programme(s) to suit both the duration of your visit and the age of your classroom.

Illustration of blue binoculars on a plain background

Early Learning Centre Programmes

Book an exciting hands-on learning experience for your early learners. Designed and led by Te Manawa’s knowledgeable in-house educators, our ELC programmes cater for up to 30 children in short 20 – 30 minute sessions. Check out our programmes today!

Colourful illustration of adult holding hands with four small children on a plain background
illustration of a waving blue robot on a plain background

Primary - Secondary School Programmes

We have a diverse range of learning programmes crafted for primary – secondary school visits. We cater for Years 1 to 10 and can accommodate a range of group sizes. Check out what’s on offer today!

Ngā kura | Info for Schools and Early Learning Centres

Our diverse learning programmes offer your ākonga experiences unique to the Museum. The programmes link to the national curriculum with a strong focus on the new Aotearoa New Zealand Histories Curriculum (ANZHC).

Our knowledgeable, in-house educators will work with you to choose a learning programme to suit your classroom. Whether you are looking for an in-depth learning experience of 1.5-2 hours, or a rotation of programmes within that time, we can adjust our programmes to suit you. Most of our programmes can be adapted for different year levels.

For Early Learning Centres we provide exciting hands-on learning experiences especially designed for young students!

We also welcome self-lead visits from schools. 

Use the links below to view our available programmes.

Plan your visit

We’re here to help you make your group visit as smooth as possible, so that you and your guests have the best Te Manawa experience! 

  • Arrive in plenty of time for your programme and report to the reception desk in the Museum building. If you are booked for a programme, an educator will greet you in the foyer and guide you to the appropriate Education  Room or gallery. For self lead groups a Visitor Host at reception is available to answer your questions.


There are three  education rooms; two downstairs in the Museum building, and one upstairs in the Art Gallery. These rooms are used for education programmes in addition to using gallery and exhibition areas.

Lunch Areas

  • Eating is permitted in a designated space (Wilkins Room level 1 Museum building). This area is available for classes to use as a venue for morning/afternoon tea and lunch but must be booked in advance. Please indicate when booking if you will require use of this room.
  • The open courtyard between the Museum building and Art Gallery is available as a lunch area for students (weather permitting). Note this area is also open to the public.
  • No food or drink is permitted in galleries or exhibition areas.

Bag Storage

Trolleys to store students’ bags are available in the foyer of the Museum and Art Gallery for visiting groups. Ask a Visitor Host for access to these when you arrive. Do not leave valuables such as cameras, wallets in these trolleys or unattended in education rooms.

Buses and parking

Bus and car parking is available between Animates and the Child Youth and Family building on Church Street, or alternatively on Pitt Street next to the Globe Theatre on Main St.

Pay and display public car parks are located on Main Street and directly in front of the main entrance (by the Te
Manawa letters).