Kōrero | Stories

W for Watchhorn
11 February 2025by Te Manawa
W for Watchhorn
In the late 1940s, Palmerston North women led the country in indoor basketball. The Watchorn women’s basketball uniform held in Te Manawa’s collection, gives us a glimpse into this highlight of our local sporting history.
5 November 2024by Dr Tony Stumbo
11 September 2024by Te Manawa
10 September 2024by Te Manawa
10 September 2024by Te Manawa
28 August 2024by Te Manawa
14 August 2024by Dr Tony Stumbo
Meet The Bushies
1 July 2024by Evan Greensides
Meet The Bushies
Securing a safe forever home for the extensive archive of images from one of New Zealand’s most prolific photojournalists, Peter Bush, was a big mission. However, this was only the...
Te Manawa Museum Champions Conservation with Peter Bush Silent Auction
3 May 2024by Te Manawa
Te Manawa Museum Champions Conservation with Peter Bush Silent Auction
Te Manawa and the New Zealand Rugby Museum became a hub of rugby nostalgia, hosting a silent auction of 12 prints from legendary photojournalist Peter Bush.
Paul Dibble Life Acknowledgement
6 December 2023by Te Manawa
Paul Dibble Life Acknowledgement
While Paul is no longer with us, he will always remain in the fabric of our place, and our hearts. Moe mai rā e te Rangatira, rest in peace e hoa.
The Story of a Seat: A Personal Account
23 November 2023by Te Manawa
The Story of a Seat: A Personal Account
Richard Mildon recollects his introduction to rugby as a young spectator.
A Homemade Pinball Game: Exploring the Origins
23 November 2023by Te Manawa
A Homemade Pinball Game: Exploring the Origins
Stuart Schwartz explores the game of ‘bagatelle’ as a significant predecessor to the well-known pinball machine.
Just Like the Real Thing: Airfix catalogues of the 1960s
29 September 2023by Te Manawa
Just Like the Real Thing: Airfix catalogues of the 1960s
In Part Two of his series about Airfix catalogues, Tony Rasmussen reflects on Airfix’s controversial use of dramatic artwork to package its products.
Te Manawa to preserve work of legendary Kiwi photographer
11 September 2023by Te Manawa
Te Manawa to preserve work of legendary Kiwi photographer
Photographer Peter Bush (second from right) at his Island Bay home with (from left): Te Manawa trustee Evan Greensides; Te Manawa Chief Executive Susanna Shadbolt; Rachel Bush, Peter’s daughter; New...
An Iconic Brand: Airfix kitset catalogues in the 1960s
15 August 2023by Te Manawa
An Iconic Brand: Airfix kitset catalogues in the 1960s
Tony Rasmussen finds some nostalgic treasure in the Te Manawa collection, and recalls the pleasures of model-making through the products of an iconic brand.
Granddad’s Toy Truck: farming the unfarmable
9 August 2023by Te Manawa
Granddad’s Toy Truck: farming the unfarmable
Kirsty Porter links a Tippco truck to family life on a remote back-country farm.
Made in New Zealand: a puzzle of industry
7 August 2023by Te Manawa
Made in New Zealand: a puzzle of industry
Mike Roche applies an historical geographer’s perspective to a children's jigsaw puzzle from the 1950s. What did we produce and where did it go?
Te Manawa appoints new Curatorial and Collections Manager
26 June 2023by Te Manawa
Te Manawa appoints new Curatorial and Collections Manager
  New Curatorial and Collections Manager Sian van Dyk, is thrilled to be returning to Palmerston North’s Te Manawa Museum, where she previously worked as Assistant Curator more than a...
An icon of 20th century comedy
30 May 2023by Te Manawa
An icon of 20th century comedy
This accessory from the Te Manawa collection is instantly recognisable to older generations. Stuart Schwartz remembers Groucho Marx as an exemplar of silver screen showmanship.
A painting for the Year of the Rabbit
29 May 2023by Te Manawa
A painting for the Year of the Rabbit
It was painted in England by a New Zealander, but depictions of rabbits in art and culture are universal.
A toasting cup for Queens past
26 May 2023by Te Manawa
A toasting cup for Queens past
Made for the coronation of a monarch, this unusual vessel from the Te Manawa collection has centuries of tradition behind it.
Supping history with the spoon of kings
15 May 2023by Te Manawa
Supping history with the spoon of kings
This tiny brooch has a much longer story behind it than you might think!
How museums weave our threads together
12 May 2023by Te Manawa
How museums weave our threads together
Every year, International Museum Day celebrates the role of modern museums as special places where the threads of cultural fabric weave together. Communities maintain wellbeing there, and people from all...
Capturing those elements of ambiguity
3 May 2023by Te Manawa
Capturing those elements of ambiguity
This is the second part of Dr Leonard Bell's talk about Marti Friedlander and the New Zealand art world of the second half of the 20th century. Click the button below to listen to the whole talk.
Intriguing faces of creative and complex people
3 May 2023by Te Manawa
Intriguing faces of creative and complex people
Dr Leonard Bell has published a number of books about photographer Marti Friedlander. He gave a talk in the Te Manawa Art Gallery that illuminated her life and practice, along with the New Zealand artists and art world of the mid- to late-20th century. The first part of the talk is presented here; click the button below to listen to it in its entirety.
Baking the historic remembrance bikkie
19 April 2023by Te Manawa
Baking the historic remembrance bikkie
Juliet Galuszka traces the history of an iconic New Zealand treat: the Anzac biscuit.
Following the everflowing spirit
31 March 2023by Te Manawa
Following the everflowing spirit
Tessa Ma'auga's exhibition explores the many cultural connections between the peoples of the Pacific and southern China.