All Day

Local Knowledge: Euan Macleod and Gregory O’Brien

Te Manawa Museum 326 Main St, Palmerston North

Blending two distinctive styles, Euan Macleod and Gregory O’Brien’s collaborative paintings reflect the appreciation both artists have for the outdoors, and equally, their shared curiosity about human history, and concerns...


Sunlight: Ihi Kōmaru

Te Manawa Museum 326 Main St, Palmerston North

Discover the secrets of the Sun in Sunlight – Ihi Kōmaru, a science exhibition that will help the whole family understand the forces that sustain life on Earth.


Call Me, Maybe

Te Manawa Museum 326 Main St, Palmerston North

Call Me, Maybe is an exhibition that explores how telephones have changed since they were first introduced to Manawatū, and how our lives have changed with them.


Robyn Kahukiwa: Tohunga Mahi Toi

Te Manawa Museum 326 Main St, Palmerston North

Come and explore Tohunga Mahi Toi, an exhibition by one of Aotearoa's most celebrated artists, Robyn Kahukiwa. Kahukiwa’s artworks have made a difference to Māori, providing not only beauty and strength but also inroads into our mātauranga and the stories that make up our cultural landscape.

Event Series Te Manawa Tots

Te Manawa Tots

Te Manawa Museum 326 Main St, Palmerston North

Join us at Te Manawa every Friday morning for fun activities designed to delight your tamariki.

Designed for kids under 5, we'll enjoy crafting , fish feeding , and much much more!

This is a great opportunity to meet other parents/caregivers too!  

Please note, Tots only runs during school term time.

Sunlight After Dark

Te Manawa Museum 326 Main St, Palmerston North

Join us for an enlightening evening of Sunlight-themed fun at Sunlight: After Dark! Enjoy a variety of arts and crafts activities stationed throughout the museum, all inspired by the wonders of the Sun.