Art Society

Te Manawa Art Society, established as the Palmerston North Art Gallery Society in 1959, has over the years built up one of the most valuable and representative collections of contemporary New Zealand art in any provincial gallery in the country.

In 1977 the Society raised funds to build the present Gallery, which it managed until 1994, when it became part of Te Manawa Museums Trust. Te Manawa Art Society continues to own, add to and assist in displaying its part of the permanent collection, now known as the Manawatū Art Collection which is housed and curated by Te Manawa.

In the Te Manawa shop you can buy cards of works from the collection. The publication Collectively Speaking celebrates the Society’s 50th anniversary, lists the entire collection, depicts 50 of the works in it, and tells the story of the Art Society and Gallery.

Support the Art Gallery and become more connected by joining the Society and receiving:

  • Quarterly newsletters that provide information about coming exhibitions in the Gallery
  • Invitations to openings and the Society’s events
  • Notification of AGMs which provide an opportunity to join the committee and become involved in the future direction of the Gallery.


Download a copy of the Art Society membership application form.

Art Gallery storage - group tour
A toy of a tricycle-driven carriage containing a woman

Museum Society

The Museum Society is one of the founding bodies of Te Manawa. It wants to increase public interest in museums, and aims to support Te Manawa staff in developing exhibitions.

Membership of the Te Manawa Museum Society is for people interested in history, museum principles and their applications, and growing public engagement in museums and the tāonga and histories they preserve.

The Museum Society is registered with the Charities Commission.

Your support for the Museum Society also helps to bring special events and exhibitions to the Manawatū and encourages the development of new activities and services.

Membership benefits include:

  • Invitations to Te Manawa events and celebrations
  • Admission to meetings and events organised by affiliated societies – The Science Centre Inc and Te Manawa Art Society
  • Admission to talks organised for affiliated societies
  • Admission to behind-the-scenes tours organised for affiliated societies.

To find out more about becoming a Te Manawa Museum Society Member, download the Te Manawa Museum Society membership form.

Science Centre Inc.

The Science Centre Inc was the third society that helped found Te Manawa and has a strong interest in promoting science and science exhibitions. It has helped Te Manawa develop home-grown exhibitions with a strong science focus.

Membership of The Science Centre Inc is for people with an interest in science and its promotion in the public mind.

The Science Centre Inc is registered with the Charities Commission (CC29668).

By supporting The Science Centre Inc, you help bring special events and exhibitions to our region. Membership benefits include:

  • Invitations to Te Manawa events and celebrations
  • Admission to meetings and events organised by affiliated societies – Museum Society and Te Manawa Art Society
  • Admission to talks organised for affiliated societies
  • Admission to behind-the-scenes tours organised for affiliated societies.

Download the Science Centre membership application.

Two people dance in front of a light splitter, casting multi-coloured shadows on the wall