Past Exhibitions | Whakaaturanga i muri



12 February - 6 JuneExcellence

A collection of folios by NCEA students that gained a grade of Excellence. This annual show brings visitors the best work of a new generation of designers, photographers, print-makers and painters.
three portraits of women

12 February - 19 JuneNgā Whakaahua – Portraits

Portraiture by New Zealand artists from the Te Manawa art collection, including work by Rita Angus, Robyn Kahukiwa, Gretchen Albrecht, Michael Illingworth and Gottfried Lindauer.
Carved taonga sit with paintings behind

14 May - 9 OctoberNgā Hau Ngākau

An exhibition of paintings, sculpture and music that explored the narratives of Te Ao Māori. Dozens of intricate and highly detailed paintings by Robin Slow were complemented by taonga pūoro of bone, wood and shell by master carver Brian Flintoff and otherworldly soundscapes by musician Bob Bickerton.

28 May - 4 SeptemberEdith and George: in our sea of islands

At the beginning of the 20th century, George Crummer travelled to the Cook Islands and photographed its residents. Contemporary photographer Edith Amituanai juxtaposed these images with her own portraiture of youth in West Auckland. By comparing and contrasting these two worlds, she created a conversation about migration, colonisation, identity and cultural exchange across the Pacific.
Two ceramic figures painted in red and black

4 June - 9 OctoberThe Inỹ People of Central Brazil

A collaboration between Te Manawa, Massey University and the Museu do Índio in Rio de Janeiro. Central to the exhibition were unique, ceramic figures called ritxoko, made by Inỹ women artists who proudly use their art form to maintain their tribe's cultural traditions.
A man stands in a triangular tunnel lit by fluorescent tubes

2 August - 2 DecemberThe Vitruvian Tunnel

Artist/architect Matt Liggins brought his famous Vitruvian Tunnel interactive sculpture to Te Manawa. Taking its cues from Leonardo Da Vinci's iconic drawing, this brilliantly lit installation invited playfulness and a re-examination of the forms we take for granted - our own and those of the world around us.
Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip wave from the back of a tram

9 September - 16 OctoberQueen Elizabeth II memorial display

A display of objects and media from the Te Manawa collection that marked the death of Queen Elizabeth II. Visitors were invited to leave messages of support and remembrance.
Pile of colourful socks and knitwear

1 October - 16 OctoberCreative Repetition

A collection of work by the Spinners and Weavers' Guild featured many woollen and other textile items, and included daily spinning demonstrations by Guild members.
Photograph of four women smiling and standing arm-in-arm

8 October - 12 February 2023Standing In My Own Light - E Tū Ana i Tōku Ake Marama

The Women’s Art Initiative (WAI) is a collective of women making art as a form of resistance and a response to the violence they have experienced. WAI is about self-representing these experiences within a supportive community, challenging the myths and stereotypes that sit around both the violence and its 'victims' or 'survivors', knowing that people listen to art in ways that they sometimes can't to words. This exhibition marked ten years of WAI, and was a celebration of endurance, defiance, resurgence and dignity, that asked the visitor to question their own perspectives on violence in our society.

22 October - 26 February 2023Douglas MacDiarmid: Visual Rhythms

Works by New Zealand painter Douglas MacDiarmid from the Te Manawa collection. The exhibition was part of a nationwide art trail marking the 100th anniversary of the artist's birth.

18 November - 29 January 2023Matatau 22

A showcase of the work of students graduating the Bachelor of Māori Visual Arts programme at Toioho ki Āpiti; sculptures, paintings and other media from the cutting edge of Māori artistic practice.

26 November - 19 March 2023Artmosphere

The UCOL Bachelor of Creative Media celebrated its graduates "rising into a world of new and unique perspectives" with a show of their work across multiple media.